
Project 1

Our first project will be in Jonglei, South Sudan, in Pinychuier village near Wangulei of Twic East County.  

Based on our initial assessments, Wutkoro Primary School will be the first grand project due to its needs.  It has over 100 children, 3 grass thatched-roof huts, and huge trees.  The grass-thatched roofs are in bad shape and not safe for the children, thus leaving children to learn under the tree on the school grounds.  

The community in the village is willing to provide the labor to make sure the school is built for the benefit of their children.  Village Education Fund, Inc will seek and mobilize resources to help bring a sustainable building structure to the students of Wutkoro primary school using a participatory philosophy, where all who are involved will do their part to bring this project to fruition.

 It’s our hope and desire to see people of good conscious help inspire, empower and help those students create a future for themselves and their community.  We believed that education matters, it gives birth to vision, potentially changes the future, and gives freedom, empowerment and improved health in the society. 

Village Education Fund, Inc will be a catalyst for change and offer much needed encouragement and hope through education.  With clear choices, clarity, conviction, commitment and courage, we can do it.

Our Mission

  • To partner with concerned communities in constructing sustainable classrooms.
  • To combat chronic illiteracy among children in grassroots rural villages.

Our Vision

Build classroom infrastructures that can support a conducive learning environment where literacy can thrive among children in rural villages.

Our Story

What We Do

 We aim to promote education by helping facilitate the construction of sustainable schools in rural villages.  Our model comprises of volunteer labor provided by the villagers.  Our work is deeply rooted in a participatory philosophy – an idea rooted in a fact that we are in it together to see to it and making sure children are provided a conducive learning environment.  Overall, we give a hand up, not a hand down assistance.  Children must read by 3rd grade and to do that, it requires a collective responsibility which starts with a sustainable building structure.

Where We Are

 We are a registered non-profit organization in the United States and operating in rural villages.  Our philosophy is to help in creating a conducive learning environment by a participatory means where the village comes together and rally behind a project of building a sustainable school for their children.  The schools will be run by local governments.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Do you want to be part of a solution to help combat chronic illiteracy among children in grassroots rural villages? Join us and partner with concerned communities in constructing sustainable classrooms. Be More! Be a Solution! Inspire! We can do it!.

Call Us: (928) 750-4377

P. O. Box 25022

Yuma, AZ 85367