About Us

Village Education Fund, Inc is a designated nonprofit 501c3 organization based in Arizona with a particular task of aiding rural Village children with a sustainable conducive learning environment. We partner with concerned communities in building sustainable classroom structures in rural villages.

What We Do

We aim to promote education by helping facilitate the construction of sustainable schools in rural villages.  Our model comprises of volunteer labor provided by the villagers.  Our work is deeply rooted in a participatory philosophy – an idea rooted in a fact that we are in it together and making sure children are provided a conducive learning environment.  Overall, we give a hand up, not a hand down assistance.  Children must read by 3rd grade and to do that, it requires a collective responsibility which starts with a sustainable building structure.

Our Mission 

  • To partner with concerned communities in constructing sustainable classrooms.
  • To combat chronic illiteracy among children in grassroots rural villages

Our Vision

Build classroom infrastructures that can support a conducive learning environment where literacy can thrive among children in rural villages.

Our Principles & Philosophy

  • Participatory Community
  • The local communities shall manage the projects in collaboration with volunteers to provide a hand up to the current and future generations through education literacy.
  • We believe in empowering the local community in taking the lead and facilitating the construction of sustainable classrooms.
  • Seek partnership of a pay it forward mentality – Give a hand up to those who are willing to help themselves.
  • Drive a sense of purpose, a more tender kind of passion that education is essential to unlocking potential present and future opportunities with far greater transgenerational rewards.

Board of Directors

Mator Ajak

Mator resettled in Phoenix, Arizona on March 28th, 2001 as part of the Lost Boys and Girls of Sudan under the care of the International Rescue Committee.  They were given 90 days of assistance with housing, job placement and basic needs.  He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Arizona State University in 2005 and an MBA in finance from Grand Canyon University in 2011. 

In 2018, Mator visited again with a friend to assess the need for a school building.  He has had a persistent dream to help bring education and literacy to his home village and other villages in South Sudan.

Now, with the Village Education Fund, we will be able to raise funds to make his dream come true.

Laura Schroeder

Laura graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Administration of Justice in 2002.  She spent several years as a Parole Officer and has been teaching elementary school since 2018.  She has spent the last 25 years volunteering in her local communities at church, children’s programs, and homeless shelters. She and Mark have three grown children and three grandchildren.

On Sunday, May 6, 2001, the Arizona Republic printed a story entitled “Valley Adopts ‘Lost Boys.’” At the time, I was attending school full time, working full time and raising a family. I’ve always enjoyed meeting people from other countries.

I called the International Rescue Committee and asked if we could be a first friend to one of these young men. When the social worker brought Mator to our house, my kids already knew him. They said he lived in the apartments next door to their school and they talked to him during recess through the fence. That began our life long friendship.

I always hoped one-day Mator could find a way to give back to South Sudan. Now about 20 years later, we are wanting to find a way to raise funds to build a school structure for the children in his home village and we need help. With a lot of prayer and help from others, we can see that dream come true.

Geri Simmons

Geri Simmons grew up in Ecuador South America learning at an early age the importance of education.  Understanding the multi-cultural world, Ms. Simmons has a passion to support and help create environment were all children can obtain an education. 

She received her master’s degree in social work from the University of Kansas. Geri has spent her career working in as a human resource professional for Fortune 500 companies. 

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Do you want to be part of a solution to help combat chronic illiteracy among children in grassroots rural villages? Join us and partner with concerned communities in constructing sustainable classrooms. Be More! Be a Solution! Inspire! We can do it!.

Call Us: (928) 750-4377

P. O. Box 25022

Yuma, AZ 85367